Tuna is a gorgeous fish : I've never asked myself how it looked like until now. I was messing around in the Icelandic section of wikipedia, trying to decipher the article 'fiskur' when I 'understood' something about fishes with warm blood. I clicked, then went straight to the English translation and read that some species of tuna were warm-blooded. I didn't know some fishes could keep their body temperature higher than the surrounding water. Then I realized I didn't even know how a tuna looked like.

You just have to look at a tuna's body to guess that it's a fast swimmer : it can reach the speed of 80 km/h. I wonder what the tiny 'triangles' (pinnules ?) on the part closer to the tail are for.
They can grow big : the Bluefin tuna can reach a length up to 3 meters ! They also hold a high position in the food chain.
Who would have thought this of the poor overfished tuna ?
(and also, does the word 'tuna' have a plural ?)

You just have to look at a tuna's body to guess that it's a fast swimmer : it can reach the speed of 80 km/h. I wonder what the tiny 'triangles' (pinnules ?) on the part closer to the tail are for.
They can grow big : the Bluefin tuna can reach a length up to 3 meters ! They also hold a high position in the food chain.
Who would have thought this of the poor overfished tuna ?
(and also, does the word 'tuna' have a plural ?)
At 3:11 e.h.,
Skywolf said…
Tuna is the plural as well as the singular, I believe. And I think they're beautiful fish. Huge and quite glorious.
At 10:46 e.h.,
Narrisch said…
I could be a smart-aleck Latinista and say the plural of tuna must be tunae. :-) But in realily, Sky is right. One tuna, many tuna.
Beautiful and o so yummy, which, alas, is why they are overfished.
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