Fishy youth

Bibi Kiukiu, aka Fatoucha, is a young girl who hates to be alone. She spent two weeks hiding behind the filter in the quarantine tank, but as soon as she was in the main tank, she swam toward the first fish in sight and rubbed her mouth against her scales - since then she's never felt the need to hide or skulk. She already has her favorite spots, and her main hobby is cleaning the glass.
Unlike the other two goldies, she's what they call a "fancy goldfish" - she has a rounder body, and two tails. She obviously isn't a fast swimmer, but she's doing fine with the two comet pigs. Enjolras has kind of become her glinting Mum.
Efnisorð: fishy
At 4:07 e.h.,
Skywolf said…
Oh! She is beautiful. :) What a little sweetie. Sounds like she's very happy in her new home.
It's amazing how sociable certain species of fish can be, isn't it?
At 4:07 e.h.,
transparency said…
Very happy, indeed. As she's small, she can go inside the cory's house to steal their food. This morning, she couldn't find her way out, and I had to rescue her. She lost a few scales, the rascal. And all this for food ! *winks*
I didn't expect some fishes to be social. But goldies definitly are. It's so wonderful to see them swim side by side, especially the corys. So cute ! *melts*
At 2:37 e.h.,
Skywolf said…
Aw, cories and loaches are so fantastic in little groups together. They sort of shimmy along next to each other, don't they?
And they'll do anything for food, won't they? I have a betta at the moment who is a total piglet. She's getting fat... it's so hard to feed her less whilst still making sure the others get enough.
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