Musical Summer
I've just come back from the last piano lesson of the year. But there was no smell of farewell and endings on the air. The table was overladen with music scores and CDs - the future shaped by little dots scattered between lines, like seeds. Seeds of music.
This means more music for the summer !
In July, there will be no time for idle slumber.
No, there will meadows of hours for dreams and books and pens and fishes; oceans of days for the piano.
My teacher decided to give me Chopin's first ballad to work upon. She told me I have 10 ten days to roughly set it up. Then I'll go to her house and we'll work together on it. This is so mightily wonderful that hyperboles are needed and all the bouncing battalions of punctuation ! This is to be the more difficult piece of all those I've played so far. It is also so beautiful. Well, hard to find Chopin ugly.
I have secret plans as well. I intend to gorge on Schumann. The Waldszenen. The f# minor sonata (my Klaviersonata *melts*). And Fauré's 1rst Barcarolle. And some contemporary piece.
My other musical fellows have been given work too. Chopin : 1rst and 21rst nocturnes. One or two of Debussy's arabesques. And more. The next piano parties will be 'licious.
I've just come back from the last piano lesson of the year. But there was no smell of farewell and endings on the air. The table was overladen with music scores and CDs - the future shaped by little dots scattered between lines, like seeds. Seeds of music.
This means more music for the summer !
In July, there will be no time for idle slumber.
No, there will meadows of hours for dreams and books and pens and fishes; oceans of days for the piano.
My teacher decided to give me Chopin's first ballad to work upon. She told me I have 10 ten days to roughly set it up. Then I'll go to her house and we'll work together on it. This is so mightily wonderful that hyperboles are needed and all the bouncing battalions of punctuation ! This is to be the more difficult piece of all those I've played so far. It is also so beautiful. Well, hard to find Chopin ugly.
I have secret plans as well. I intend to gorge on Schumann. The Waldszenen. The f# minor sonata (my Klaviersonata *melts*). And Fauré's 1rst Barcarolle. And some contemporary piece.
My other musical fellows have been given work too. Chopin : 1rst and 21rst nocturnes. One or two of Debussy's arabesques. And more. The next piano parties will be 'licious.
Musical summer ahead !
(Let's just hope the shadows of Jam and apathy won't strike again...)
Efnisorð: music
At 12:12 f.h.,
No said…
It was the Music feast last week, did you do something special for that?
Your fishes photos are really incredibles, I can't say I'm much interesting in fishes, but yours really are wonderful.
Oh I your little poem on the gruyère cracked me up. heeheehee.
At 1:44 e.h.,
transparency said…
Oh, Nadine ! Salut *bounce*
Yeah, I played the Blue Danube Waltz and Rachmaninov prelude 5 op.23. And I was sick that day. *sigh*
But it was a wonderful day !
Thanks. Now my JoJo is blushing, which is a feat for a goldfish.
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