Is there a man's heart that is not swirling with threads of music ? Is there a land inhabited by men where no melody has ever been heard ?
Music is as much part of man as reason, speech, laugh or Oreo cookies. Oh yes.
We are musico'holic, all of us !
Next Thursday is the day when music is celebrated in France. The 21th of June. Music and summer solstice : how fitting to honor in one day the giver of life and the gardian of our souls.
But tonight was no official celebration, but my teacher's piano party. A cherished moment of happiness and sharing.
The decoration was beautiful. My teacher is a complete artist.
I didn't play too badly, but, damn it ! I want to play the prelude properly (Rachmaninov, Op.23, N°5). I want people to feel through the music the white expanse of snow, the knights riding to battle, the hooves of their horses pounding on the ice (ta tidada ta ti - ta- da...), then the vision of golden dunes, slowly fading and overpowered by the knights' rythmic race through snow and russian night...who themselves fade away in the distance and poum. Silence.
But I still have loads of work to do to reach that point yet. Will you hit the right keys, oh fingers ?
Anyway, it was good. An excellent evening. But they all went away so quickly. It's all finished too soon. Too soon, top Spoon, like everything in life.
Hello ! That's twisted me turning white under the strong lamps.
Efnisorð: music
At 3:41 e.h.,
Skywolf said…
I love Rachmaninov. I listened to the whole of Concerto #3 the other day, for the first time in ages. Amazing stuff. It blows my mind to think of being able to play the piano like that. Incredible talent.
At 12:10 e.h.,
transparency said…
The third Concerto !
*fervent nod*
Most beautiful !
Some guys are so skilled it's incredible.It looks like they're stroking the piano. On Youtube, you can find videos of pianists like Marta Argerich (even playing Rach 3). Amazing ! If only we could play like this *wink*
btw, have you taken up some piano lessons ?
At 6:25 e.h.,
Skywolf said…
No, not yet.
I managed to download a bunch of sheet music and got really into playing again a while ago, but I have to be so disciplined with myself in order to keep it up. There are always other things I'm supposed to be doing... writing, fish care, dog walking, things around the house. Piano always seems to come last. It shouldn't be that way, but it so often is. I must have a sit at the keys again very soon. I was finally mastering Fur Elise in its entirety, but I haven't practised it since... Bad Flowyks.
I still think I ought to have lessons, but it's the time... I don't know if I can devote the time right now. I just worry I might kick myself in later life if I pass up the opportunity now.
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