Merlin is alive again. So thoroughly happy. I do not know how long it will last : five minutes, an hour or two days. But for now, I don't care, don't care if I'm a ghost, just a shadow at the edges of people's lives.
Alive for no reason at all. Nothing happened - ah, but
I've just come back from my piano lesson...

Do those who tell the World began in music know how right they are? Music is the wind that gives life to my limbs and sluggish mind.
Music is intellectual, speaks to the heart, yes, but it is full of mater. It is born when the composer's work blends in with the musician's core and flows from the fingertips to the white and black keys of a piano.
And today I've felt it unfurling, this secret universe of sound. I was allowed a few moments with the Grand Piano. Rebirth, I say, rebirth!
At 12:34 e.h.,
No said…
How could you be a ghost dear Merlin? A shadow at the edge of people's lives? I tell you. You're not.
I LOVE the picture.
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