Feriae Latinae, Excerptum I
Aestas venit, cum sole flavo et puerorum cachinnis, voluptate devorate calidarum arenularum.
Discipuli crepidulas disjecerunt, magistro in bibliotheca condito. Velut gaviae cucurrerunt ad litus, capilli et cor insanum in aquilone.
Clamabant, corrisebant : pulchrum erat mare, et spuma similis erat sacchari, solis enim lux edebatur sicut mel.
Carabi, qui ad litus habitabant, pueros ludentes audiverunt, et caraborum dux est eis iratus : nam carabi pueruli, relicti caraborum scholam postquam magister in ostrea condiderunt, inter humanorum puerorum digitos nunc luserunt. Dux libellos cepit clamavitque :
" Carabi! Statim ad me venite ! Malus est, cum incognitis gigantibus ludere."
Sed carabi non venerunt.
Caraborum dux omnium ab imo suspiravit, simul ac humanus magister in bibliotheca sua.
Existimaverunt aestatis solem morbidissimum esse.
Latin Holidays, except 1:
Summer came, with a yellow sun, the laughter of children, the devoured pleasure of hot sand.
Schoolboys threw their sandals here and there, after they had shut their professor in the library. Like seagulls they ran to the beach, their hair and hearts wild in the northern wind.
The shouted, they ran : the sea was beautiful, and the froth looked like sugar. In fact, the sunlight could be eaten like honey.
The crabs who lived on the beach heard the children play, and the chief crab became angry, because crab younglings had left school and shut their professor in an oyster, and were now playing between the children's toes. The chief took books and shouted :
" Crabs! Come here right now! It's bad to play with unknown giants."
But the crabs didn't come.
The chief of all crabs sighed deeply, exactly in unisson with the human professor in his library.
They thought that the summer sun was quite unwholesome.
[let's hope there aren't too many grammar mistakes now...]
At 12:02 e.h.,
shami said…
Brilliant. Utterly, beautifully brilliant.
(And the new background is classy.)
At 11:23 f.h.,
transparency said…
Glad you enjoyed the Latin tale! Holidays, sea, honey, crabs, and teachers shup in oysters, what's more perfect? *grins*
Maybe a beach full of Hobblings.
"New prehistoric" background *winks*
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