"Magic, oh please, for heaven's sake, do not use that silly word! Magic is good for children and fantasy books. Do you have a clue how annoying it is to hear you say 'magic' so often?"
Aaaah...! Magic.
What is it? An old dream of humanity? Their helplessness embodied?
Magic brings to mind the old wizard waving a finger while uttering incantations to make a tree appear. Words, to create things from nothing? Words?!
Well, of course! When we speak, we use magic. Say 'blue', and blue will invade your eyes. Say : 'fish' and the bright delighting scales of a little finned one will swim in your iris. Like a special keyboard, words make things appear in minds. Magic in the old tales makes words even more powerful : it allows them to make things happen outside Humanity's minds.
Isn't it magic, when with a piano keyboard, fingers can create a whirling mist of music?
Aaaah...! Magic.
What is it? An old dream of humanity? Their helplessness embodied?
Magic brings to mind the old wizard waving a finger while uttering incantations to make a tree appear. Words, to create things from nothing? Words?!
Well, of course! When we speak, we use magic. Say 'blue', and blue will invade your eyes. Say : 'fish' and the bright delighting scales of a little finned one will swim in your iris. Like a special keyboard, words make things appear in minds. Magic in the old tales makes words even more powerful : it allows them to make things happen outside Humanity's minds.
Isn't it magic, when with a piano keyboard, fingers can create a whirling mist of music?
At 7:35 f.h.,
daisy said…
Magic is everywhere. Who needs wands and pointy hats when the sun rises every day and the earth spins and rain falls...
The world is magical. Wonderfully magical.
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