Powerful music, swallow me!
Like a terrible monster the music goes on
Sadness, a stain on the day's face, a thorn in life's colors. Sadness so deep that it errases everything tiny merlin's self was. If ever 'it' was something.
It doesn't know what it liked. Doesn't know its friends. Doesn't want to speak any more. Doesn't know why its name's merlin. Doesn't know doesn't know...knows only...
Friends. Oh yes it loves them, but they seem so far away!
Doesn't know who it is. Doesn't dream any more.
Swallow me!
I do not wish to have a body any more. "I". What does it mean?
She's destroying me day after day. Each of her words sinks into my flesh and burns burns! She's my new friend.
I've never felt like this. Never. The words she flings at me so carelessly! Does she know how she breaks me? Her words are like violent kicks. And everyday, everyday, she's here with me. We talk, we laugh and then suddenly...one sentence like an arrow...
Maybe she's right about it all. I know that I am selfish. I know it, damn her! Why does she make me feel it so accutely? What can I do? I exist, I live even if I loathe myself, even if I hate myself. What does she want of me? Does she want to see me roll in the mud ?
She never understands what I mean with the frail words I use. She twists my words and makes them seem ugly. Beside her I feel I am the greatest scum.
I'll never be able to utter the word "I" in front of her again. Not after what she flung at me this morning.
Misunderstanding is terrible.
I should be stronger, but her tone and voice are exactly what break most easily the glass of my window. Stronger. Powerful like the music.
Like a current of dark coffee flows the music. Flood, swallow me!
Melts and swirls...melts and swirls...The music is powerful enough to replace a backbone.
All orange and yellow. Clear blue. This is a beautiful day.
Powerful music, swallow me!
Like a terrible monster the music goes on
Sadness, a stain on the day's face, a thorn in life's colors. Sadness so deep that it errases everything tiny merlin's self was. If ever 'it' was something.
It doesn't know what it liked. Doesn't know its friends. Doesn't want to speak any more. Doesn't know why its name's merlin. Doesn't know doesn't know...knows only...
Friends. Oh yes it loves them, but they seem so far away!
Doesn't know who it is. Doesn't dream any more.
Swallow me!
I do not wish to have a body any more. "I". What does it mean?
She's destroying me day after day. Each of her words sinks into my flesh and burns burns! She's my new friend.
I've never felt like this. Never. The words she flings at me so carelessly! Does she know how she breaks me? Her words are like violent kicks. And everyday, everyday, she's here with me. We talk, we laugh and then suddenly...one sentence like an arrow...
Maybe she's right about it all. I know that I am selfish. I know it, damn her! Why does she make me feel it so accutely? What can I do? I exist, I live even if I loathe myself, even if I hate myself. What does she want of me? Does she want to see me roll in the mud ?
She never understands what I mean with the frail words I use. She twists my words and makes them seem ugly. Beside her I feel I am the greatest scum.
I'll never be able to utter the word "I" in front of her again. Not after what she flung at me this morning.
Misunderstanding is terrible.
I should be stronger, but her tone and voice are exactly what break most easily the glass of my window. Stronger. Powerful like the music.
Like a current of dark coffee flows the music. Flood, swallow me!
Melts and swirls...melts and swirls...The music is powerful enough to replace a backbone.
All orange and yellow. Clear blue. This is a beautiful day.
At 11:50 f.h.,
Skywolf said…
*hands Merlin a pink rose*
You are a beautiful soul, Merlin. No one has the right to make you think otherwise.
At 1:34 f.h.,
H said…
Have faith in yourself.
I have faith in you.
Fear not, you are a light.
At 8:41 e.h.,
transparency said…
Your words are like balm and sunlight.
Thank you.
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