Sea creatures

The sea is a wonderful place for life : oh yes all the fish of the ocean, with their pointed face and blazing scales!
But, until a few months ago, I did not know that sea slugs existed. And they are amazing creatures! Look at this one who has a 'tridented' rhinopore! Not only its colors are gorgeous but it does look like a magic carpet.

There are Brittle stars in Antarctica's waters : they can live up to a century!
Isn't it beautiful?
What unknown marvels are hiding inside that living home that is water?
At 5:49 e.h.,
H said…
Marvels, marvels everywhere! Our whole Universe is filled with marvels. I love those tridents!
Do you know the Nikon small world photography awards? These are things we cannot see with our naked eyes.... and so so beautiful!
At 6:18 e.h.,
transparency said…
Never heard about those awards.
That link doesn't work, but messing around that site, I think I found the pics.
Just amazing and wondrous!
Now when I look at some Vitamine A stuff, I will think of that pic...
Eyes in fingertips, eyes with microscopes too.
Marvels, oh yes! Thanks for the link.
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