Yesterday, young people ("les jeunes") burnt cars, broke windows. Some beat a man to death as he was taking a picture of a streetlight, before the very eyes of both daughter and wife.
They, the future of the country? They, the future of humanity?
It seems useless to consider one man alone. Consider rather Humanity.
Humanity is great, yes, and terrible. Violence is part of it, like fins are part of fish. A long sheer line of sorrow will follow its history to its end. Intertwined with a rope a creativity, smiles and enthusiasm.
Judge, love, admire, hate, despise, or whatever. Humanity is as Humanity is.
They, the future of the country? They, the future of humanity?
It seems useless to consider one man alone. Consider rather Humanity.
Humanity is great, yes, and terrible. Violence is part of it, like fins are part of fish. A long sheer line of sorrow will follow its history to its end. Intertwined with a rope a creativity, smiles and enthusiasm.
Judge, love, admire, hate, despise, or whatever. Humanity is as Humanity is.
At 4:12 f.h.,
H said…
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