
Don't worry about the future. Not too much anyway. That seems to be the wise thing to do.
But what if we are glued in the present, unable to think about next week, or even tomorrow?
It's so frightening.
All my schoolmates are talking about exams and such. All are spurred by worry, fear of failling...And 'I' is spurred by...nothing. Not spurred at all. I just move about, in a daze.
Except when there is a piano under my fingers. It looks like my heart is hidden inside all the pianos of the world rather than in my chest.
If I force myself to think of the future, I think : "Iceland!". I see yellow grass, cool wind, icebergs, waterfalls and children who speak icelandish. Sometimes I even glimpse a violin.
Could grass and violins be someone's future?
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