Fish !
Cajole seems a bit ill these days. So I've read some stuff about fishkeeping and realized how badly I've cared for them!
The tank is far too small for two fishes.
So merlin's going to save and buy a 100 L (26 gallons) tank, and other fish tools. I'm a bit frightened about putting living plants in the tank, but that's the best option for the fishies. Anubia nana doesn't sound too complicated for a complete beginner. So many things are frightening about a bigger tank, the complex filters (with some kind of bacteries in them)...Life in the water seems so frail : a bit of NO2, and all's gone. Declicate balance.
The "Fishkeeping list" is written.
I hope Enjolras will live to see the Tank'olution. Maybe he'll make a barricade (Enjolras being, for those who doesn't know, but who are now happy to discover it, a student, hero of an uprising in "Les Misérables" by Hugo).
At 4:55 e.h.,
Skywolf said…
I'm glad, Merlin. :) They'll be happy fishies.
It's really not as complicated as it all sounds when you start off. As long as you cycle the filter properly (perhaps by using old filter material from your current tank?), the fish will be fine. Bacteria are your friends. And I understand Anubia to be a lovely easy plant. I can recommend Java Ferns as well, especially if your lighting isn't very strong. They're easy and beautiful.
At 3:48 e.h.,
transparency said…
Java ferns !
*takes notes*
Thankies !
Aah, I can't wait to have the new rank. But patience, patience...*winks*
At 6:29 f.h.,
Bright Tiger said…
Ahhh, fishies. Beautiful, relaxing, graceful, colourful. But the setting up can be complicated and daunting, and a little sad if there are deaths.
Mine is going ok, noone has died in the new tank for a little while.
I have a few plants in mine, don't know what they are called, but I had no luck at all with the red pigmented leaves, they all died. The green leafed ones are still going fine, and have rooted themselves into the gravel.
Good luck with it all and have fun. Fishies are fun!!
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