Eyes in fingertips

sunnudagur, mars 19, 2006

photo musicale

De la musique avant toute chose

Verlaine knew what he was writing about.
De la musique encore et toujours !
Music is the true tongue of Soul - Music should be the web that makes of us all the branches of the same tree.

Ah music, you have the power to give life to ghosts, and for this I thank you : for without you I'd stay a shadow forever.

sunnudagur, mars 12, 2006

Enjolras - again

laugardagur, mars 04, 2006

Fish !

Cajole seems a bit ill these days. So I've read some stuff about fishkeeping and realized how badly I've cared for them!
The tank is far too small for two fishes.
So merlin's going to save and buy a 100 L (26 gallons) tank, and other fish tools. I'm a bit frightened about putting living plants in the tank, but that's the best option for the fishies. Anubia nana doesn't sound too complicated for a complete beginner. So many things are frightening about a bigger tank, the complex filters (with some kind of bacteries in them)...Life in the water seems so frail : a bit of NO2, and all's gone. Declicate balance.

The "Fishkeeping list" is written.
I hope Enjolras will live to see the Tank'olution. Maybe he'll make a barricade (Enjolras being, for those who doesn't know, but who are now happy to discover it, a student, hero of an uprising in "Les Misérables" by Hugo).