.Fishy posts strike back and wiggle their tongue at Salman Rushdie.
The new tank is now a proper home for my gold-rascals...save for the damnable algae. The water turned green. I managed to get it back to normal. And now it has turned green again. Yay for floating algae. The fishes don't seem to mind. They spend their days eating the brown algae that stick on plants. Goldfishes are ready to swallow anything.
They have been joined by three corydoras paleatus : two girls and one little boy that my Mum decided to call Fitzy. The name suits him. Those fish are so cute, with their little barbels and little eyes. They are way too fast for the goldfish to catch them. At first, there were cat and mouse chases all over the tank, but now, they seem to be friends - save when it comes to Food.
Feeding species who dwell on the bottom of a tank can be tricky when you happen to have goldies. So you have to find a trick ! So I made a cottage for the corys where I can slip them some food and where no goldfish can thrust its mouth.

I slip in the food through the opening between the pot and the root. The stones at the threshold are there to make it more difficult for the goldies to dig their way into the cottage. If you look closely, you can catch a glimpse of a napping cory inside. I haven't managed to take good pics of them. A few attempts (see how cute tinyFitzy is with his gorgeous (blurry...) long dorsal fin ?) :

As for the goldies, they feel at home in their new tank. They're so funny : they follow you, they stare at you, they dance for you, they'd do anything for a bit of food. Well, you tell them it's rude to stare too long into the faces of people who are reading blogs. You tell them.