And that night, my dreams were full of them.
I felt both wistful and relieved, wistful when I remembered Before, and relieved it's over.
Sometimes I wonder. There will always be strange and hazy gaps in people's lives. But do we need to understand? Probably there's nothing to understand. Especially when it's completely...absurd !
When I remember how I was like when I was younger, I thought : how weird ! How could we be the same person?
This was my world :

The memory of the drawings I did came back to me. All the history of the Royal Family of Ixion's Empire, and the language I used when I spoke to my fishes ! How others would gather around the odd girl at school while I told tales of Sbelbelmenge Golemenge! Oh Ichigo my queen, and Kico 14 ! Ioko doll kin tara.
But in truth, I'm still that person, for the worse and the best. The Core cannot change.
All this made me understand something. When I was little at school, nobody looked at me, so I drew attention to myself by my crazy tales. Now, I'm always going "Don't see me, don't see me!" like Thick. Both those ways are a wrong path. Because even if I'm not as lively as the others, that doesn't make a ghost of me. I'm not a ghost. I've been told this, but : There, I said it myself.
After having been an Attention Caller and a Ghost, what's next? Gravel, flowers, fishes, clouds, brick, dust, shooting stars, flies, hedgehogs, cars, crushed and dirty chewed-gums. The World !