Eyes in fingertips

sunnudagur, apríl 16, 2006

words words words words Words !

Words, words, words !
Words, words, words, I call you.
Words ! Fill this head until it cannot feel !
Words, words, words : lull me, lull lull lull the ghost...Words, sing me a lullaby !

Words, words, words ! Why can't I be a word ?
Words ! Can't you tell my eyes I do not want them to shed tears ? Words, can you tell everyone...Can't you tell...
Words, words, words !
Take my hands, take me into your world ! I would sit inside a book and jump from letter to letter, huging each dot above the i's. I would curl up inside an o, I would be a nice shadow I promise : nobody would see me, nobody would know!

Words, words, words...
Alas you cannot hear.

fimmtudagur, apríl 13, 2006

Night portrait - Who is I ?


I am old wise merlin behind a window.

I am a gate and people walk through me.

They think me young, though my soul was born when the tallest trees were as thin as my bones.

Hear, hear! My voice is rust, it cannot fly. But I see you, I hoover at the edges of your lives : my heart is dust where you leave a huge imprint.
In my home you cannot enter for I am not like you, sweet fellows ;
as much I love you, do not follow me;
My feet would only lead you to dullness and frozen cores.

I call you ; you do not hear.

Words are my limp gown.
I am the merlin,
insipid as grey water
tasteless as boredom,
I am a ghost of flesh,
and always you will find a shadow
looking at you through her old window.